Sims Social Facebook Cheats Simoleons Note that Raymond wasn't saying that open source projects happen only when some individual gets an itch. Rather, he was saying that good software results when the programmer has a personal interest in seeing the problem solved; the relevance of this to free software was that a personal itch happened to be the most frequent motivation for starting a free software project. Sims Social Facebook Cheats Simoleons This is still how most free software projects are started, but less so now than in 1997, when Raymond wrote those words. Today, we have the phenomenon of organizations including for profit corporations starting large, centrally-managed open source projects from scratch. The lone programmer, banging out some code to solve a local problem and then realizing the result has wider applicability, is still the source of much new free software, DSims Social Facebook Cheats Simoleons. Raymond's point is still insightful, however.
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